Mother’s Day Bouquet


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We let the flowers do the talking, and this bouquet will show mom how much you care for her. The bouquet will be filled with amazing speciality tulips.  Give a special gift for a special mom.  The freshest cuts come directly from the grower.  Don’t be disappointed and Preorder your Mother’s Day bouquet now. Pick-up options are directly from the Warwick Flower Farm or the Saturday Farmer’s Market. Pick up dates for Mothers Day bouquets at the farm are Friday-Sunday May 10-12, hours 10:00-4:00.  Farmers Market pick up day is May11th, market hours are 9:00-1:00, located on Headquarters Rd. Be sure to let us know what location you would like to pick up the item.  If you are doing a farm pickup please specify which day you will be picking the bouquet up.  We hope you will consider buying local this coming season.

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